This book is the ninth volume in the « VoiX » collection, which features interviews with major contemporary artists. It is the first to focus on a woman, an artist who works on the concept of the feminine, and whose pieces have been discussed in the analyses of prominent philosophers.
Sylvie Blocher “works” on otherness and takes the risk, even in her modes of production, life, and movement. She, who says she felt “displaced” in childhood, now moves, allowing the others she meets to move the lines of their absence from the world. She transforms this “displaced” into an emancipatory practice for herself and for others.
In these pages she reflects on her career, her work, her choices, her commitments, and her encounters.
Language: Multilingual
Pages: 256
Release date: 2014
Dimensions: 12 x 2 x 19 cm
Text: Sylvie Blocher
Publisher: Archibooks
ISBN: 978-2357333468