Mudam Edition

Vinyl - A Comparative Dialogue Act

Mudam, Lenz Press


Bundle - Vinyl & Book A Comparative Dialogue Act

Mudam, Lenz Press


Cosima von Bonin. Songs for Gay Dogs

Mudam, JRP|Editions


Radical Software: Women, Art & Computing 1960-1991

Mudam, Walther König


Xanti Schawinsky. Play, Life, Illusion

Mudam, Hirmer Publishers


What looks good today may not look good tomorrow: The Legacy of Michel Majerus

Sternberg Press, Mudam


A Comparative Dialogue Act

Mudam Luxembourg


After Laughter Comes Tears

Mudam, Lenz Press


Dayanita Singh. Dancing with my Camera Signed Book

Gropius Bau, Hatje Cantz


Peter Halley. Conduits: Paintings from the 1980s Signed Book

Mudam, Hatje Cantz


Tarek Atoui. Waters’ Witness #02



Tacita Dean. The Dante Project Signed Catalogues Set

Mudam, Walther König Verlag


Tina Gillen. Faraway So Close

Mudam, Hatje Cantz


Zoe Leonard. Al río / To the River

Mudam, Hatje Cantz


Post-Capital: A Reader

Mudam, Mousse Publishing


Freigeister - (Free Spirits). Fragments of an art scene in Luxembourg and beyond



Denis Hirson. À pas de panthère. Dix conversations entre William Kentridge et Denis Hirson

Mudam, Editions Dilecta


Me, Family. Portrait of a Young Planet

Mudam,‎ Edition Cantz


Robert Morris. The Perceiving Body



Leonor Antunes. Joints, Voids And Gaps

Museu de Arte de São Paulo/KMEC Books


Charlotte Posenenske. Work in Progress

Dia Art Foundation, Koenig Books


LaToya Ruby Frazier

Mudam, Mousse Publishing


Katinka Bock. Tomorrow's Sculpture

Roma Publications


João Penalva. The Asian Books

Mudam, Edition Cantz


Bert Theis. Building Philosophy - Cultivating Utopia

Mudam, Mousse Publishing


No Man’s Land. L’homme a-t-il encore sa place ?

Mudam, Marion Laval-Jeantet, Panthéon Sorbonne


Flatland. Abstractions Narratives

Mudam, Mrac Occitanie / Pyrénées-Méditérranée, Editions Cantz


Enrico Lunghi. Wim Delvoye

Mudam, Somogy éditions d’Art


Eppur Si Muove. Art and Technology, A Shared Sphere - English



The Venice Biennale Projects



Franz Erhard Walther. Vier Entwurfszeichnungen zu Wandinformationen

Mudam, Franz Erhard Walther Foundation


Glenn Ligon. Some changes

Mudam, Edition The Power Plant Contemporary Art Gallery


The Space Of Words



Katinka Bock. Intenso

Mudam, Kunst Museum Winterthur, Institut d’art contemporain, Villeurbanne/Rhône-Alpes, Roma Publications,


Laure Tixier. My Cities

Mudam, Edition Fonds régional d’art contemporain (FRAC) de Bourgogne – Dijon, Domaine départemental de Chamarande, Maison des Arts de Malakoff, Galerie Polaris


Marco Godinho. Portugal Agora - A Propos Des Lieux D'Origine



Pascal Convert. Lamento (1998-2005)



Sanja Ivekovic. Lady Rosa of Luxembourg

Mudam, Casino Luxembourg


Sylvie Blocher. S’inventer Autrement

Mudam, Actes Sud


Thea Djordjadze. Our Full

Mudam, Malmö Konsthall, Kunstverein Lingen


Tina Gillen. Necessary Journey

Mudam, Hatje Cantz


Tomorrow Now. When Design Meets Science Fiction



Tullio Forgiarini. Karnaval



Robert Stadler, Alexis Vaillant. On Things as Ideas

Mudam, Sternberg Press


The Building by Ieoh Ming Pei



Cristina Lucas. Wavelength

Mudam, OK Center for Contemporary Art, Regional Government of Madrid, Turner.


Damien Deroubaix. Picasso et Moi

Mudam, Somogy éditions d’Art.


Daniel Buren. Travaux In Situ, 2010-2011

Mudam, Centre Pompidou-Metz
