• Description du produit
      For Sophie Blocher’s exhibition, Mudam edited an exhibition catalogue that explores the presented works from various angles. An introduction text by Enrico Lunghi, exhibition curator, revisits the genesis of the project and certain recent works by the artist shown for the first time at Mudam Luxembourg. Two unpublished texts complement that, one by Geoffroy de Lagasnerie, philosopher and sociologist, the other by Chantal Pontbriand, art critic and exhibition curator, tackling themes at the heart of Sylvie Blocher’s practice, such as letting-go, utopia, identity, the relation to participants or the Living Pictures. An important conversation with the artist, especially realised for the exhibition by Vincent Crapon and Christophe Gallois on the participatory project Dreams Have a Language, completes the theoretical part of the book. Punctuating the reading, the various iconographic sections completed by the artist’s statements, offer a visual journey into the exhibition.

      Languages: French, English
      Release date: 2015
      Pages: 192
      Dimensions: 26 x 22 cm
      Authors: Sylvie Blocher, Vincent Crapon, Geoffroy de Lagasnerie, Christophe Gallois, Enrico Lunghi.
      Publishers: Mudam Luxembourg, Actes Sud
      ISBN: 978-2330049027
  • Détails du produit

Sylvie Blocher. S’inventer Autrement



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Sylvie Blocher. S’inventer Autrement
