Theory Books

AA Bronson. General Idea

JRP Editions


Annett Busch, Tobias Hering. Tell it to the Stones – Encounters with the films of Danièle Huillet and Jean-Marie Straub

Sternberg Press


Benjamin H. Bratton. Dispute Plan to Prevent Future Luxury Constitution

Sternberg Press


Christian Jankowski. Heavy Weight History

Walther König, Köln


Daniela Zyman. Oceans Rising - A Companion to “Territorial Agency: Oceans in Transformation"

Sternberg Press


David Frenkiel and Luise Vindahl. Green Kitchen Quick + Slow

Hardie Grant


Denis Hirson. À pas de panthère. Dix conversations entre William Kentridge et Denis Hirson

Mudam, Editions Dilecta


Elio Della Noce, Lucas Murari. Expanded Nature



Emily Pethick. Artistic Ecologies: New Compasses and Tools

Sternberg Press


Guan Xiao. Prévisions Météo



Heikki Aalto-Alanen. Aino + Alvar Aalto: A Life Together

Phaidon Press


Jericho Brown. Duplex in Translations

Fivehundredplaces Books


José Esteban Muñoz. Cruiser l'utopie – L'après et Ailleurs De l'Advenir Queer



Michael Harrisson. Attila Csorgo: Archimedean Point

Ludwig Múzeum - Kortárs Művészeti Múzeum


Michel Poivert. Contre-culture dans la photographie contemporaine



Mika Rottenberg. Bowls Balls Souls Hole

Louisiana Museum of Modern Art


Mona Chollet. D'images et d'Eau Fraîche



Monira Al Qadiri. Mutant Passages

König, Walther


Neil MacGregor. À monde nouveau, nouveaux musées: Les musées, les monuments, et la communauté réinventée



Omar Kholeif. Sonia Balassanian

Sternberg Press


Omer Fast. 5,000 Feet Is the Best

Sternberg Press


Paul. B Preciado. Testo Junkie Sexe, Drogue Et Biopolitique

Grasset and Fasquelle


Poems by Alice Notley

Fivehundredplaces Books


Poems by Ariana Reines

Fivehundredplaces Books


Poems by Carl Philips

Fivehundredplaces Books


Poems by Eugene Ostashevsky



Poems by Julian Talamantez Brolasky

Fivehundredplaces Books


Poems by Melissa Buzzeo

Fivehundredplaces Books


Poems by Noelle Kocot



Poems by Roger Reves

Fivehundredplaces Books


Poems by Sarah Fox

Fivehundredplaces Books


Robin D.G. Kelley. Freedom Dreams

Junius Verlag


The Practices of Carlos Capelán, Elisabet Haglund, Gunilla Lundahl, and Jan-Erik Lundström. Curating beyond the Mainstream

Sternberg Press


Thomas Scheibitz. About 90 Elements

Richter Verlag


Tirdad Zolghadr. Traction

Sternberg Press


Valzhyna Mort. Guest Translation

Fivehundredplaces Books


Wolfgang Tillmans. A Reader



Xanti Schawinsky, Torsten Blume. The Album

JRP | Ringier


Monster Chetwynd. The Supreme Deluxe Essential Monster Chetwynd Handbook

Edition Patrick Frey


Andrea Caretto,Raffaella Spagna. Bright Ecologies – Experiences, Forms, Materials

Les Presses du Réel


Carlo Rovelli. L'Ordre du Temps



Ho Tzu Nyen. A for Agents

Torch press


Gerd Hurm. Edward Steichen

Editions Schortgen


Polfer M. Edward Steichen, the Luxembourg bequest

Silvana Editoriale


Anna Atkins. Blue Prints

Hirmer Publishers
